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    Prof. Philippe Miele
    Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie
    de Montpellier & IUF, 34296 Montpellier, France

    Prof. Francisco Marquez Linares
    School of Science and Technology
    University of Turabo
    Gurabo 00725, Puerto Rico

    Prof. Nasr Bensalah
    Department of Chemistry & Earth Science
    College of Arts & Science, Qatar Universtiy
    2713 Doha, State of Qatar

    Prof. Chang-Koon Choi
    Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology
    Daejeon 305-701, Korea

ISSN:2287-6316(Print) ISSN:2287-6324(Online)

Vol 7(4 issues) for 2020, Quarterly
Aims and Scope

The "Advances in Energy Research (ERi), An International Journal", aims at the valuable source of information and excellent publication channel for the international scientific community of energy research. The areas covered by the journal are research on;

- Energy and power production, distribution, and usage,
- Sustainable energy infrastructures and system reliability,
- Conventional energy and fuel sources,
- Renewable energy,
- Alternative energy (nuclear power, solar energy, hydrogen production, etc.),
- Electrochemical energy storage systems (batteries, fuel cells, capacitors, etc.),
- Energy efficiency and conservation,
- Energy policy and management,
- Energy and environment issues, and
- Other energy related topics.

Editorial Board
Dr. Ambali Saka Abdulkareem
Federal U of Tech, Minna
Niger State, Nigeria

Prof. L. Acosta-Michlik
Potsdam Inst. Climate Impact Res.
14412 Potsdam, Germany

Prof. S.I. Allakhverdiev
Inst. Plant Physiology, Rus. Academy of Sci.
Moscow 127276, Russia

Prof. R. Anand
Nat Inst of Tech

Prof. C. Arbizzani
Bologna University
Bologna 40126, Italy

Prof. Morteza M. Ardehali
Amirkabir U Tech

Dr. L. Aye
The University of Melbourne
Melbourne, Australia

Prof. N. Badi
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77004, USA

Prof. P.N. Botsaris
Democritus University of Thrace
69100 Komotini, Greece

Prof. Atila Caglar
Kastamonu U

Prof. R. Carriveau
University of Windsor
Ontario N9B 3P4, Canada

Dr. A.M. Chaparro
28040 Madrid, Spain

Dr. K.H. Chen
National Taiwan University
Taipei City10617, Taiwan

Prof. Q. Chen
Tsinghua University
Haidian 100084, China

Dr. Ken Chiang
RMIT University
Melbourne VIC 3001, Australia

Prof. Y. Demirel
University of Nebraska Lincoln
Lincoln, NE 68508, USA

Prof. A. Salar Elahi
Islamic Azad University (IAU)
Tehran, Iran

Prof. Mohamed Gadi
U Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD, UK

Dr. Fausto Garcia
U Castilla-La Mancha

Prof. M. Zucchetti
Polytec. Univ. of Eng. in Torino
Turin 10129, Italy

Prof. Frederic Kuznik
Nat Inst Appl Sic

Dr. Jian V. Li
Texas State U

Dr. Brantley T. Liddle
Asia Pacific Energy Res Centre

Prof. F. Liu
Univ. of Texas at Arlington
TX 76019, USA

Prof. L. Lombardi
Niccolo Cusano University
Rome, Italy

Prof. L. Luo
Nat'l Center for Sci. Res. (CNRS)
50609, France

Prof. M. McAleer
Erasmus Univ. of Rotterdam
Rotterdam 3000, Netherlands

Prof. S.V. Mohan
Indian Inst. Chemical Tech.
Hyderabad 500607, India

Dr. M. Abdul Mujeebu
University of Dammam
Al-Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Prof. M. Ni
The Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.
Kowloon, Hong Kong

Prof. S. Okamoto
Shimane University
Matsue 690-8504, Japan

Dr. Annarita Paiano
Aldo Moro U of Bari

Prof. Zhejun Pan
CSIRO Earth Sci & Resour Eng
Clayton South, VIC 3169, Australia

Prof. D. Popescu
Gheorghe Asachi Tech. U. Iasi
700050 Iasi, Romania

Dr. N. Rajalakshmi
Cntr. for Fuel Cell Tech., IIT Madras Res. Park
Chennai 600 113, India

Prof. J. Ran
Chongqing University
Chongqing 400044, China

Prof. J.F. Gomes
Lisbon Superior Eng. Inst.
Lisbon 1959-007, Portugal

Dr. Y. Himri
Elec. & Gas Nat ENT (Sonelgaz)
Oran 31000, Algeri

Prof. A.R.K. Ismail
University of Campinas
Campinas 13083-970, Brazil

Prof. A.M.H. Kandil
Taif University
Taif 21974, Saudi Arabia

Prof. A. Kassem
Sohag University
Governorate, Egypt

Dr. S.H. Rhee
Seoul Nat'l University
Seoul 151-742, Korea

Dr. S. K. Tyagi
SSS-Nat Inst of Renew Energy

Prof. F. Wen
Zhejiang University
Hangzhou 310027, China

Prof. Dongfang Yang
Lakehead U

Prof. Paolo Zagaglia
U Bologna

Guide to Authors (Last updated: Jan 16, 2020!)

1. Submission of the paper
Authors are asked to submit manuscripts in PDF (or Latex) format electronically through the Techno-Press Manuscript Upload System (TeMUS) ( Exceptionally, the special issue papers may be directly submitted to the Guest Editor. If you have difficulties in using TeMUS, please contact us at[[email protected]]. On receiving submitted papers, the system will issue the paper ID and Password to the corresponding author which may be conveniently used to check the status of submitted papers. Authors should carefully check if their paper satisfied all the requirements in the preliminary list before submission.

2. Preparation of the manuscript
General : The manuscripts should be in English and typed with single column and single line spacing on single side of A4 paper. Submitted papers will be published in regular technical paper only. The first page of an article should contain; (1) a title of paper which well reflects the contents of the paper (Arial, 16pt), (2) all the name(s) and affiliations(s) of authors(s) (Arial, 12pt), (3) an abstract of 100~250 words (Times New Roman, 11pt), (4) 5-10 keywords following the abstract, and (5) footnote (personal title and email address of the corresponding author (required) and other authors' (not mandatory)). The paper should be concluded by proper conclusions which reflect the findings in the paper. The normal length of the technical paper should be about 12-24 journal pages. There will be no page charges and no other fees unless the author wishes to provide an open access to his article. Authors are advised to read the details in the Authors' Guide for guide and Template.
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All the submitted papers that have passed the preliminary check by the editors will undergo a rigorous peer-review process to judge their significance and originality. Those papers positively recommended by at least two expert reviewers will be finally accepted for publication in the Techno-Press Journals or after any required modifications are made.

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Table of Contents
  • 2020  Volume 7      No. 1      No.2
  • 2019  Volume 6      No. 1      No.2
  • 2017  Volume 5      No. 1      No.2    No.3    No.4
  • 2016  Volume 4      No. 1      No.2    No.3    No.4
  • 2015  Volume 3      No. 1      No.2    No.3    No.4
  • 2014  Volume 2      No. 1      No.2
  • 2013  Volume 1      No. 1      No.2


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    Advances in Energy Research
    Volume 7 (4 issues)

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