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    Dr. Panagiotis G. Asteris
    Computational Mechanics Laboratory.
    School of Pedagogical & Technological Education,
    Athens, Greece

Associate Editor
    Dr. Danial J. Armaghani
     Department of Civil,Engineering,
     Faculty of Engineering, University
     of Malaya,
     Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Managing Editor
    Prof. Chang-Koon Choi
    Korea Adv. Inst. of Sci. & Technol.
    Daejeon 305-701, Korea

ISSN: 2713-5519(Print) ISSN: xxxx-xxxx(Online)
Volume 1, Number 1 , March 2020
Aims and Scope

The focus of Metaheuristic Computing and Applications (MCA) journal is on the development and application of computational algorithms, methods and techniques for solving problems in the fields of engineering. The areas covered by MCA journal include, but not limited to, multidisciplinary research in:
I. Artificial neural Networks(ANNs)
III. Computational Biology/Bioinformatics
V. Computational Science and Engineering
VII. Evolutionary multimodal optimization
IX. Fuzzy set theory and hybrid fuzzy models
XI. Genetic algorithm and genetic programming
XIII. Hybrid intelligent systems

II. Computational Biology/Bioinfomatics
IV. Machine Learning Techniques
VI. Multicriteria decision making (MCDM)
VIII. Multiexpression programmingn
X. Multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS)
XII. Neural networks and deep neural networks
XIV. Optimization algorithms
[structural optimization; topology optimization]

    Editorial Board

    Dr. Amir H. Alavi
    Department of Civil and Environmental
    Engineering, University of Pittsburgh

    Prof. Amir H. Gandomi
    Faculty of Engineering & Information
    Technology, University of
    Technology Sydney

    Dr. Binh Thai Pham
    University of Transport Technology,
    Ha Noi
    Viet Nam

    Dr. Dieu Tien Bui
    University of South-Eastern Norway

    Dr. Gai-Ge Wang
    Department of Computer
    Science and Technology
    Ocean University of China

    Dr. Hossein Nezamabadi-pour
    Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

    Dr. Jian Zhou
    School of Resources and Safety
    Engineering, Central South University

Dr. Liborio Cavaleri
Department of Civil,
Environmental, Aerospace
and Materials Engineering
(DICAM), University of
Palermo, Viale delle Scienze,
90128 Palermo

Dr. ¨©ukasz Sadowski
Faculty of Civil Engineering,
Wroc©©aw University of Science and

Dr. Mahdi Shariati
University of Malaya

Dr. Manoj Khandelwal
Faculty of Science and
Technology, Federation
University Australia, PO Box
663, Ballarat, VIC 3353,

Dr. Mahdi Hasanipanah
University of Kashan, Kashan

Dr. Ozgur Kisi
Ilia State University

Dr. Masoud Monjezi
Tarbiat Modares University
Tehran, Iran

Dr. Mohsen Hajihassani
Urmia University, Urmia,

Dr. Nagesh Kumar
Indian Institute of Science

Dr. Pijush Samui
National Institute of
Technology Patna
Patna, India

Dr. Paulo Davim
Department of Mechanical
Engineering, University
of Aveiro, Portugal

Dr. Trilok Nath Singh
Indian Institute of Technology
Bombay, India
Introductions to Authors (Last updated: Jan 16, 2020)

Introduction: This Instruction to Authors is to provide help for authors who wish to submit their papers in the "Metaheuristic Computing and Applications", A multi-disciplinary journal in computational engineering.

1. Submission of the paper
Authors are asked to submit their manuscripts in PDF format(or Latex) electronically through the "Techno-Press Manuscript Upload System"(TeMUS) ( If you have difficulties in using TeMUS, please contact us at [[email protected]]. On receiving submitted papers, the system will issue the paper ID and Password to the corresponding author, which may be conveniently used to check the review status of submitted papers.

2. Preparation of the manuscript
General : The manuscripts should be in English and typed with double(or single) column and single line spacing on single side of A4 paper. The submitted papers will be published in the category of regular technical papers only. The first page of a paper should contain: (1) a title of paper which well reflects the contents of the paper (Arial, 15pt), (2) all the name(s) and affiliations(s) of authors(s) (Arial, 11pt), (3) an abstract of 100~250 words (Times New Roman, 9.5pt), (4) 5-10 keywords following the abstract, and (5) footnote (personal title and e-mail address of the corresponding author (required) and other authors' (not mandatory)). The paper should be concluded by proper conclusions which reflect the findings in the paper. The normal length of the technical paper should be about 8-16 journal pages (double column format). Please refer to the Authors' Guide(A) and the Template(A) for the format of the paper: Authors' Guide(A): .
Tables and figures : Tables and figures should be consecutively numbered and have short titles. They should be referred to in the text as following examples (e.g., Fig. 1(a), Figs. 1 and 2, Figs. 1(a)-(d) / Table 1, Tables 1-2, etc.). Tables should have borders (1/2pt plane line) with the captions right before the table. Figures should be properly located in the text as an editable image file (.jpg) with captions on the lower cell. All of the original figures and tables are required to be placed at the suitable location in the text. It is recommended that a figure or a table does not occupy both columns whenever possible
Units and mathematical expressions : It is desirable that units of measurements and abbreviations should follow The International System of Units (SI) except where the other unit system is more suitable. The numbers identifying the displayed mathematical expression should be placed in the parentheses and referred to in the text as following examples (e.g., Eq. (1), Eqs. (1) - (2)). Mathematical expressions must be inserted as an object (set as Microsoft Equations 3.0) for Microsoft Word 2007 and later versions. Image-copied text or equations are not acceptable unless they are editable. The raised and lowered fonts cannot be used for superscription and subscription.
References : A list of references which reflect the current state of technology in the field locates after conclusions of the paper. For details to prepare the list of references and cite them in the text, authors are advised to follow the introductions and the sample list in the Authors' Guide(A).

3. Review
All the submitted papers that have passed the preliminary check by the manuscript editors will undergo a rigorous peer-review process to judge their significance and originality. Those papers positively recommended by at least two expert reviewers will be finally accepted for publication in the ¡°Metaheuristic Computing and Applications¡±, An International Journal.

4. Proofs
Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author to correct any typesetting errors. Alterations to the original manuscript will not be accepted at this stage. Proofs should be returned within 48 hours of receipt.

5. Copyright
Submission of an article to the ¡°Metaheuristic Computing and Applications¡±, An International Journal implies that it presents the original and unpublished work, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. On acceptance of the submitted manuscript, it is implied that the copyright thereof is transferred to the Techno-Press. The Agreement of Authorship, Originality, and Copyright Transfer must be signed and submitted.

6. Ethics
Techno-Press applies research and publication ethics standards based on COPE¡¯s International Standards for Editors and Authors. Violation of publication ethics is shown in the COPE flow chart. (, For authorship problems:

7. Publication Fee
Except for open access articles, there is no page charge or article processing fee for submission and publication in this journal

Table of Contents
  • 2020  Volume 1      No. 1      No.2


    2020 Subscription Rates


    Metaheuristic Computing and Applications
    Volume 1 (1 issues)

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